How to decompile apk from Play Store

This is how you can decompile an application you have installed on your phone. My phone is rooted, uses RootBox 3.5 and has BusyBox installed. You may need to have that too if you want to follow my steps completly. Let's start: 1. Install application from market 2. Download apk to computer First you need to locate the apk on the phone. Connect to the phone: adb shell Find the apk in the folder the apk are downloaded to. It is ussualy in '/data/app/' or '/system/app/'. The apk is called as the id from the Play Store, for example 'com.something.someapp.apk'. You can see this in the url from Play. Next you need to pull it to the computer. Once you have located the apk and know it's name exit adb. On your PC execute: adb pull /data/app/com.something.someapp.apk 3. Transform apk to jar I use dex2jar dex2jar- com.something.someapp.apk 4. See the code inside the jar I use Java Decompiler Just open the ...

Update: Intellij 12 + Android Annotations 2.7 + maven

This is my previous post updated for the new versions of intelliJ Idea 12 and Android Annotations 2.7

1. Create your project with Android Maven Plugin

Read the GettingStarted

You can run this command to get the basic structure:

mvn archetype:generate \
  -DarchetypeArtifactId=android-quickstart \ \
  -DarchetypeVersion=1.0.9 \
  -DgroupId=com.tagonsoft \

Add/Edit the dependency to android:

With android from central mvn repository:

Or with android from maven-android-sdk-deployer:


Run 'mvn idea:idea' to get the basic idea project to start with.

2. Add AndroidAnnotations to maven pom.xml




3. Configure Idea compiler

Like so:
I couldn't get it to work with processor from classpath, so I use the path from maven repo. For intelliJ Idea 12 you have to add 3 jars like so (the path are from my own mvn repo):

The jars are androidannotations-2.7.1.jar, androidannotations-api-2.7.1.jar and codemodel-2.4.1.jar. The separator is ':'.

Add as processor FQ name:


4. Tweak your module to regenerate R file in the new location:

I use <project path> + /target/generated-sources/r
Hope someone else finds this useful. Feel free to add or correct me.


  1. Regarding: "The solution I found on the internet is to leave gen as sources and to exclude the folders beneath it." - how do you get the "gen" folder in the first place? It shouldn't exist if you created the project via mvn archetype. There should be no 'gen' folder nor will it be created. Only /target/generated-sources/

  2. you are right, my guess is that it happened before I unstructed Idea to generate R in the same location as maven. I remember I had this problem with idea 11, now it looks clean.

  3. With new version of Intellij IDEA we can add Maven as supported framework. I found this article describing pretty details how to configure AA with Maven in Intellij IDEA

    Just another instructions.


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